Archives mensuelles : Avril 2021

  1. The Slugger: Focusing on Fighting Styles - Part 3

    The Slugger: Focusing on Fighting Styles - Part 3

    The slugger knew by the names of The Power Puncher or Brawler, masters at launching strong punches that knock the opponent to the ground. Like an out-boxer embodies great elegance in boxing, a slugger represents brutality in the fight. Although sluggers

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  2. The Out-Boxer: Focusing On Fighting Styles - Part 2

     The Out-Boxer: Focusing On Fighting Styles - Part 2

    The Out-Boxer fighting approach is truly a graceful and technical style that exhibits wonders in the boxing ring

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  3. The Swarmer: Focusing on Fighting Styles - Part 1

    The Swarmer: Focusing on Fighting Styles - Part 1

    After the achievement of basic knowledge of boxing and initial sparring, every boxer would instinctually gravitate towards a particular boxing style. Entering the competition does not mean random attacks and punches. A boxer needs to have planned the

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