Try not to Fall for These 5 Gym Myths

Once you have decided to move onto your journey of fitness you need to head to a gym to perform workouts or martial arts to get yourself in shape. Experiencing a gym for the first time seems unusual and awkward, especially when you are unaware of the gym dos and don’ts. Beginners carry a lot of irrelevant and wrong concepts about gym workouts before registering to a gym. Most of these misconceptions turn out to be right while others are just gossips. This handful of fake information is being delivered to you from the public, your friends, or your close ones. So, you better not believe every bit of information you heard and let float away from the misinformation you have encountered. As such gym-related stories can create hindrances in your target and goals or even ruin your whole progress. Debunking these myths and misconceptions sets you on the right way leading to your success. Five common and popular gym myths are listed that would affect your fitness journey.

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1. Spot Training

You cannot aim for losing weight or gaining fitness to a targeted region of your body. If you do strenuous exercise only specifically for the abs, in hope of getting six packs you would be met by disappointment even after working for several days. Spot reduction is one of the prevalent gym misconceptions you may have heard which have tricked individuals many times. Reducing fat requires the effort of the whole body not just exercising a targeted region. Spot reduction may form an imbalance in the body shape, that worsens the body structure. To reduce particular body fat, you need to approach a whole-body workout to achieve fitness. Doing sit-ups in large numbers daily will certainly strengthen your abs, but it would not be visible until you plan to reduce your whole body fat through a dose of different workouts daily. So, you to put in effort on other regions of the body, monitoring your nutrition and diet, and indulging in a healthy amount of cardio workout.

2. Pain Is Always Good For You

It is well said that ‘No pain, no gain’, that means once you have started you need to take and bear the necessary pain to achieve your fitness goals. During your fitness journey, you come across pains in the form of muscle soreness, inflammation, or discomfort. Such levels of aches and pains are good, as it indicates that you are pushing yourself hard. It shows improvement and enhancement in your muscular activity but it is not a precondition to success. During extreme and continuous exertion, the muscle may experience cramps that arise because of the regeneration of the damaged muscle fibers. Such pains are termed delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Through the feeling of mild pain, your body conveys a message to take a rest or slow down your efforts until the body regains its strength. In case of severe pains, your body wants you to cease your progress immediately. Experiencing such pains may affect normal body functioning, so you must stop right away and analyze the fault.

3. Static Stretching Before A Workout

Stretching and warming up carries a lot of reimbursements to fitness. It specifically affects the muscles fibers to gain elasticity, strength, and healthy growth. Without stretching the muscles becomes stiff and compact, tight muscles are not able to move freely in case of functional activity. Stretching is necessary before starting any exercise to reduce the risk of damage, inflammation, and cramping. For stretches, after an intense workout, you must acquire static stretching without the involvement of any particular movements. For static stretching you need to hold on to a specific position for few seconds without any motion, this would help loosen the muscles. The stiffness of the muscles is relieved after a high-intensity training session. Static stretching before the beginning of the hardcore training would affect the integrity of your muscle structural fibers and tendons around your joints. So, at the start, you must go for the dynamic warm-up stretches that enable you to do a different range of motion to prepare you for the specific activity or workout. These enhanced movements increase your blood circulation throughout the body for better performance.

4. Gaining Muscular Build By Weight Lifting

Gaining excessive muscular build by lifting weight is a common fear of every woman. This misconception is not to be taken seriously, as bodybuilding is a completely different sport that needs a large amount of power and willingness. Gaining muscle and bulk body is not achieved in months rather it is a work of extensive heavy lifting for years. It does not associate with unintentional development by lifting small weights during gym. Weightlift workouts are best for body shaping and tuning. Weight lifting is an important workout for strength and resistance building. It strengthens the muscles and joints support, and helps you to achieve your dream body shape. So, fear of getting bulk up must be debunked as weight lifting is a vital part of gym exercises.

5. Fat And Muscles Are Interconvertible

Many nutrition brands circulate a misconception about the formation of muscles from fats. The misconception can be easily cleared by demonstrating that a sluggish person has more fat than the muscles; while an athlete or an active individual bears more muscles than fats. Biologically fat and muscles cells are both different with their own properties, composition, and functions. The fat cells (adipocytes) are responsible for storing energy reservoirs and constitute 90-99% fat. While muscles cells (myocytes) act as some contractile units, having a high concentration of water and proteins with low-fat concentrations. So, conversions of fat into muscles are supported scientifically. Changing your fat into muscles through metabolizing the fat reserves by using the energy and running on a calorie deficit diet. Then exercising to get muscle build through the natural regulation of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which is responsible for the maintenance, formation, and repair of muscular tissues after the workout.

Keynote: An individual as a beginner is new to every aspect of training and gym strategies. The fears and misconceptions being implanted into his mind are usually false, which must be wiped out so that he would progress on his fitness journey without any hindrances.

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