Improve Your Boxing Competition With These Five Tips

Are you a boxer who is looking forward to some useful pugilistic techniques? Do you want to improve your boxing skills? We think we can help you with that.

Making unpredictable punches in the boxing offense is the biggest challenge for every boxer.

When you use combinations, it allows diversity in your offense and keeps your opponent on his toes, being unable to predict your upcoming move. Now, Let’s cut right to the chase.

Here are the five tips to keep into consideration while throwing your punch combinations in boxing.

1. Think Before You Punch

These are the four different types of punches:

  • Sudden punch known as Jab: This is the most used and simplest punch in boxing.
  • Short side punch named Hook: This type of punch allows you to catch the opponent unaware as it comes from the side.
  • Straight punch called the Cross: This is considered as the most damaging and powerful punch.
  • Short swinging upward punch named Uppercut: This type of punch is delivered as close quarters and is regarded as a great knockout punch.

  • If you want to diversify your offense, mix it up. In simple words, use a combination of the punches stated above. The punches counted towards the merit of a boxer are the ones landing in the legal scoring regions, i.e., body and head. Scoring zones in boxing are limited, so knowing this is important.

    Punches landing on the elbows and arms gain no merit. Punches landing on the spine and below the belt are considered as illegal moves.

    Nevertheless, continually switching between targeting both the body and the head is the best way of increasing your chances to land solid and clean punches. Doing so makes it harder for your opponents to predict where your next punch will be focused on.

    2. Save Your Energy By Throwing Impactful Punches Only:

    Throwing punches uselessly is not wise, and you must always keep remembering that you expend energy with every punch you throw. Making an all-out attack relentlessly may be tempting at first, but it will make you tired too quickly.

    Bear in mind that throwing too many punches leads to breaching your lactic acid threshold. Consequently, it makes you unable to lift your arms as well as your punches, which further causes a lack of energy. Therefore, a boxer who isn't well-conditioned will feel too tired after only a few bouts.

    Hence, one needs to throw only impactful punches, or else throwing wasteful punches will only make you tired too quickly and easily.

    3. Allow Variety In Your Punches:

    It's interesting to know that you can work with so many different combinations while boxing. For instance, basic combinations including the 1-2, and the hook-straight. More advanced combinations are also there.

    Keep in mind that throwing the same combinations every time is unwise. This is because your opponent will be able to get ahead of your offense after some time.

    The key to an excellent offense is to allow variety in your punch output. To serve this purpose, keep on practicing your combinations on the targeted mitts, improving technique, and developing endurance on the heavy bag.

    After getting comfortable with the technique, it's time to apply it in sparring. Unleashing your best combinations in practice before trying them out in the contest is important too.

    4. Make Good Head Movements:

    To make your punch combinations more unpredictable, what you need to do is to make good head movements. What makes you tougher to hit is side to side weaving and bobbing. Also, you need to shift and transfer your momentum and weight with seamless motion at the same time.

    Notably, amongst traits of an excellent boxer is moving his head constantly. Focusing on the head movement is one heck of trouble in a fight as you also have to consider the many other ring's subtleties. This is, in particular, true for beginners.

    However, if you concentrate on making good head movements while competing, it indicates that you are much focused on every aspect of your boxing technique.

    Making head movement indicates that your chances of getting hit clean are very less. It allows impulsiveness to both your defense and offense.

    The all-important shadow boxing is one way of practicing head movement. To fulfill this purpose, you need to stand in front of a mirror as you shadow box and focus on how you move your head.

    5. Understand How To Position Yourself In The Boxing Ring:

    For enhancing the accuracy of your punch, you need to know when to incorporate your combinations. Being unable to gauge the distance properly is a common downside of beginners.

    Boxers need to learn how to move their feet to cover the distance quickly, finish the gap, and get into the optimal punching range.

    They also acquire focusing on their exits since their opponent will not only sit there and have it. They are capable of and will surely attack back.

    Always circling away from the most powerful punch of your opponent is recommended. This is because there occurs an immense reduction of power and effectivity when they strike back with this.

    For getting to know when to incorporate your best combinations, an important part is proper positioning. Combine this with excellent footwork, and you will be able to dance circles around your rivals in no time.

    Wrapping It Up:

    From making meaningful and diversified punches to good head movements and learning to position, you need to consider all these tips for hitting the ball out of the park.

    Now, as you know what it takes to hone your boxing skills for acing all your competitions, keeping with these five tips is going to favor you to a greater extent.

    Just pay close attention to these five tips for enhancing your pugilistic technique next time you hit the gym. This is how you will be able to make the most out of your combinations and excel in the ring. Good luck.